Each and every seller must at all time adhere to the following seller policies or code of conduct. If any seller is found to be in violation to the code of conduct their account shall be suspended without any prior notice or warning.
Seller code of Conduct:
The sole purpose of this policy is to ensure fair play and to ensure a safe environment for buying and selling products. Following are some of the basic terms.
- At all times, give correct information to AWAC Market Place and our clients.
- Be ethical and refrain from abusing AWAC Market Place features or services.
- Never make an effort to harm or mistreat another seller, their listings, or their ratings.
- Not make an effort to sway customer ratings, comments, and reviews.
- Avoid sending inappropriate or uninvited communications.
- Not speak with clients other than through buyer-seller messaging.
- Not try to evade the AWAC Market Place purchasing procedure.
- Not use more than one AWAC Market Place selling account without a valid business purpose.
- Not act in a way that contravenes laws against price-fixing.
Truthful Information:
You are required to give true information to AWAC Market Place and our clients, and to update such information as necessary. This requires, for instance, that you put your products in the appropriate category and use a business name that appropriately describes your operation.
Being ethical:
You must conduct yourself ethically and legally, and you may not abuse any service offered by AWAC Market Place. Unfair behavior examples include:
- Giving false or improper information to AWAC Market Place or our clients, such as by creating multiple detail pages for the same item or publishing objectionable product photographs.
- Making claims regarding sales rank in product titles or descriptions, or manipulating sales rank (for example, by accepting fraudulent orders, orders you have paid for, orders you have returned externally, or orders you have discounted externally).
- Attempting to raise a product's price after a confirmed order
- Increasing the amount of website traffic (using bots or paying for clicks, for example).
- Attempting to manipulate keyword rankings to boost search rankings or paying customers to appear to be acting naturally when they search.
- Making an effort to harm another seller, their listings, or their ratings.
- Allowing third parties to carry out actions on your behalf that are against AWAC Market Place rules or your agreement with them.
Reviews, comments, and ratings:
It is prohibited to make an effort to sway or inflate consumer ratings, comments, and reviews. You may politely ask your own clients for feedback and reviews, but you may not:
- Pay a charge or provide a reward (such as coupons or free merchandise) in return for posting or removing comments or reviews.
- Customers can be asked to leave only positive reviews, to take down or edit previous reviews, or both.
- Only ask for reviews from clients who had a positive experience.
- Review your own items or those of a competitor.
Sending improper or unwanted texts is prohibited. All customer communications that are required for order fulfillment or customer care must be sent via Buyer-Seller Messaging. The use of marketing communications is forbidden.
Information about clients:
You may only use client information obtained to fill orders, such as addresses or phone numbers, and you must destroy it once the purchase has been processed. Customer information may not be disclosed to third parties or used to contact consumers (other than through Buyer-Seller Messaging).
Getting around the sales process:
You may not try to get around AWAC Market Place purchasing procedures or send AWAC Market Place customers to another website. This means that you cannot offer consumers links or messages that invite them to utilize any other website or do any other type of transaction.
Multiple AWAC Market Place selling accounts:
Unless you have a valid business reason to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing, you are only permitted to keep one Seller Central account for each location in which you sell. We reserve the right to cancel all of your selling accounts if any of your accounts are not in good standing.
Notifying Infringers as a Representative or Brand Protection Agency:
AWAC Market Place welcomes submissions from authorized agents because it is aware that many businesses may want to have brand protection organizations or agents file reports of intellectual property infringement on their behalf. However, when filing infringement notifications as an agent of a brand might benefit the person's own selling account, AWAC Market Place does not allow people with active selling accounts to do so (through removing competing listings, for example). Sellers may have their selling accounts canceled if they file notices as an agent to advance their own position as a seller.