Frequently Asked Questions

Lots of users asked daily similar questions. We decided to Answer them before they attempt to ask. These are the common questions users have asked.

What do we do?

Please read the About page.

How do we protect your information?

Please read the Privacy Policy located at the bottom the page.

Do we disclose any information to outside parties?

Please read the Privacy Policy located at the bottom the page.

How can I see My Plan?

Go to the top of the page where you can see the Main Menu and on the right side of About, select” Plan” and you can see your Plan.

How can I see Approved, Banned, Rejected or Pending Photos?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard”, then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, locate “ Manage Photos”, select it and you can see Approved, Banned, Rejected or Pending photos.

How can I see My followers?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard”, then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under Following, select “ Followers” and you can see your followers.

How can I find Approved, Premium, free, most viewed or downloaded Photos?

Go to the top of the page where you see the Main Menu and select “ Explore” and you can find Approved, Premium, Free, Most Viewed or Downloaded Photos.  

How can I see My total Earnings and earning logs?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard”, then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under Liked Photos select “ Earning Logs”and you can see your total earnings and earnings logs.

How can I see the Deposit Methods and logs?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard” then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, select “ Deposits” and you can see the Deposit Methods and Logs.

How can I see My Collection?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard”, then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under Price Plans select “Collection” and you can see your Collection.

What are the Price Plans?

How can I see photos which I liked?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard” then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under Followers, select “ Liked Photos” and you can see your liked photos.

Where can I find the withdrawal Methods and logs?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “Dashboard” then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under Earning Logs,  select “Withdraw” and you can see the Withdrawal Method Logs.

How can I see Transaction Logs?

Go to the top of the page on the right side of Logo Out, select “ Dashboard” then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, under withdraw, select “ Transaction Logs” and you can see your transaction Logs.

How can I share a Photo on social media?

Once a photo is downloaded, select any photo, select “ share”  and you can share a photo on social Media.

How can I download a picture?

Go to the top of the page where you can see the Main Menu, select “Photos”, then select any of the photos you like then select Download button.

How can I upload a photo?

Go to the top of the page where you can see Main Menu, select “UPLOAD”, fill out the form, put in the title, tags, select category, select value ( free or premium), fill in description, then select “ Add Image” to add the image, then select “ Upload Now” to upload the image.

Where do I find the Price Plans?

Go to the top of the page on the left side of Log Out, select “ Dashboard”, then scroll down where you can see the Dashboard list on the left in the column, select Price Plans and all the plans will be displayed.